AMTI 2024 Module 1 – Fall 2024

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Phoenix, AZ & Orlando, FL

CE Credits Available

AMTI (Advances in the Management of Traumatic Injuries) is a 150-hour certificate program by the ICA’s Council on Applied Science made in conjunction with American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries (AAMVI), with Dr. Don Hirsh, Dr. Bill Gallagher, and Dr. Joe Betz as our 3 featured speakers. This program on trauma care is for advanced chiropractors to hone and enhance their skill set – or to help a doctor new to personal injury care create a bulletproof practice.

The first module will be taking place at 3 different places over the country for 12 hours of CE credits. You only need to attend one of the in-person modules. The remaining 138 hours will be completed entirely online. When registering for event, if you do not already have an ICA member account, you will need to create one for free before purchasing registration. For more information, click on the get more information button!


Dr. Joe Betz, DC, CICE, FCBP, FICA

Joseph Betz, DC, has been in private practice in Boise, Idaho since 2001 and now runs multiple chiropractic clinics in the area. Dr. Betz currently serves as President of the Foundation for the Advancement of Chiropractic Tenants and Science, vice president of Chiropractic Biophysics® (CBP®) Non-Profit, vice-president of the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) and is also past president of the Idaho Association of Chiropractic Physicians (IACP). He is a principal investigator on the PCCRP X-ray guidelines and the ICA’s Best Practices Guidelines. He is a past co-author of the ICA of California Whiplash Associated Disorders Guidelines. He is the Chair of the ICA’s Research and Development Committee. He also currently serves as the Secretary of the Research Workgroup for Chiropractic Future, LLC.

Dr. Betz has co-authored over a dozen peer-reviewed research papers, as well as several chapters for a textbook on spinal corrective methods. He has received many prestigious awards including Chiropractor of the Year from CBP® Non-Profit, the IACP, and the ICA. CBP® Non-Profit has also awarded him Researcher of the Year on two occasions. He is one of the founding instructors of the AMTI Program and has taught evidence-based principles of managing patients with whiplash-associated disorders around the world.

Dr. Don Hirsh, DC, FICA

Dr. Donald Hirsh founded Hirsh Chiropractic Center in Laurel, Maryland in 1987 with his wife, Dr. Susan Hirsh. Uniquely trained as a Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP®) Postural Analysis Spine Care provider, his expertise is correcting postural problems that often begin with traumatic injuries.

Dr. Hirsh has served in many leadership positions, including Chairman of the ICA, Chairman of the ICA’s Council on Applied Chiropractic Science, and President, and current Chairman of the Maryland Chiropractic Association, among other leadership roles nationally.

Dr. Fred Barge mentored and inspired Dr. Hirsh to “Be the Doctor’s Doctor.” Dr. Hirsh’s practice and teaching approach focuses on putting patient care first.  By concentrating on the patient’s subluxation complex, all else falls into place- a satisfied and healthier patient who refers, a pleased attorney who also refers, and an office that gets paid their true worth.

Dr. Bill Gallagher DC, Adv. Cert. in Motor Vehicle Injuries

As a child of the 50s and a product of the 60s Scottsdale chiropractor, Bill Gallagher was taught to question everything. That shows in his work that led to advances in Directional Non Force Technique, DNFT™. He is a 1988 graduate of Life Chiropractic College West and the founder of the American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries. When he decided to study personal injury, he attended as many seminars as he could find. What he found was that each teacher had an important piece of the puzzle, but none had a complete picture. To fill this gap, he created The Academy.  

The need for this information is undeniable and has allowed him to present classes across the country and as far away as Zurich where he co-chaired a pain management conference. There he presented twice on the Mechanism of Injury for Spine and for Concussions/TBI. With a long lineup of medical speakers, his were the presentations that the audience sat up for and took notes.  

The 150-hour Certificate in Motor Vehicle Injuries program is now available online with testing by NBCE.  

He has been a contributing editor for Attorney At Law Magazine, currently serves as President of the Arizona Association of Chiropractic, and as a panelist for Clinical Compass. He has contributed suggested changes for the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment 6th Edition and is working with them on the 2024 update. He can be reached at 


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Continuing Education

State/Region CE Status Notes
Alabama Not Approved
Alaska Approved
Arizona Pending
Arkansas Not Approved
California Not Approved
Colorado Approved
Connecticut Approved
Delaware Pending
District of Columbia Approved
Florida Pending
Georgia Pending
Hawaii Not Approved
Idaho Approved
Illinois Approved
Indiana Approved
Iowa Approved
Kansas Approved
Kentucky Pending
Louisiana Pending
Maine Approved
Maryland Approved
Massachusetts Approved
Michigan Not Approved
Minnesota Approved
Mississippi Not Approved
Missouri Approved
Montana Approved
Nebraska Approved
Nevada Approved
New Hampshire Approved
New Jersey Approved
New Mexico Pending
New York Pending
North Carolina Approved
North Dakota Approved
Ohio Approved
Oklahoma Pending
Oregon Approved
Pennsylvania Not Approved
Puerto Rico Approved
Rhode Island Approved
South Carolina Approved
South Dakota Approved
Tennessee Pending
Texas Pending
Utah Approved
Vermont Approved
Virginia Approved
Washington Approved
West Virginia Not Approved
Wisconsin Not Approved
Wyoming Approved

The CE approval only pertains to Dallas, we will update with the next events’ CE State Approvals after the previous event has ended. While applications relating to credit hours for license renewal in elected states have been executed for these programs, it remains the attendees’ responsibility to contact the state board(s) from whom they seek continuing education credits for purposes of ensuring said board(s) approve both venue and content as they relate to any seminar/course/lecture/webinar/online presentation (event). Neither a speaker’s or exhibitor’s presence at said event, nor product mention or display, shall in any way constitute the CE provider’s endorsement. The CE provider’s role is strictly limited to processing, submitting, and archiving program documents on behalf of course sponsors.

Registration & Pricing

Registration rates increase as the meeting approaches – register early to receive the best rate! You will be registering for just one the three sessions, you will not need to go to all 3. The CE Processing fee is included in the registration fee.


In order to register, you must create a free account with the ICA. This is NOT a membership, paid or otherwise. Creating an account allows us to safely and securely gather and process important personal information, such as contact and payment information.

Registration Pricing
DC - ICA or Applied Science Council Member $497
DC - Non Member $547
SICA $150
Student - Non-Member $200
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