ICA Brand Guidelines

The below is a quick resource for ICA branding guidelines and logos. Please contact info@chiropratic.org with any questions or requests.


Navy: #1F2436
Light Blue: #17a2b8
Gold: #F89D1D
Tan: #F7D7A6
Red: #D04F44
Black: #000000
Dark Grey (Paragraph): #333333
Grey: #CED4DA
Light Grey: #F2F2F2
White: #FFFFFF


Libre Baskville
This font is meant to be used for headings, quotes, and other stand-out copy. Libre Baskerville can be used in a variety of weights as well as italicized.

This font is available for download here: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Libre+Baskerville

Open Sans
This font is for paragraphs and larger sections of paragraph style text. Open Sans can be used in a variety of weights as well as italicized.

This font is available for download here: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Open+Sans


PNG logos are available below. For higher resolution or vector logos, please contact info@chiropractic.org.

Dark Text Logo (for use on light backgrounds)

Light Text Logo (for use on dark backgrounds)

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