Student ICA Member Benefits

Becoming a Member of the Student ICA (SICA) has many Benefits.

  • $50 One-Time Fee (covers entire time as a student)
  • Complimentary First Post-Grad Year ($240 savings)
  • Scholarships available for school and ICA Events
  • Special SICA pricing for ICA Events
  • Next Steps… Transitioning from Student to DC Webinar Series
  • Chiro Opportunities (job openings, preceptorships, etc.)
  • Mentorship Program
  • Membership Certificate
  • “Proud ICA Member” Window Decal
  • Opportunity to join a Special Interest Group for one of ICA’s six (6) Post Graduate Councils (make your selection during the SICA membership joining process)
  • Networking Opportunities
  • ICA Bookstore & Merchandise Shop

The Intangibles of Joining the Student ICA are Important as Well.

Maybe the most important aspect of joining the Student ICA (SICA) is the social opportunity of being in a Club while working towards your chiropractic degree. Each Student ICA Chapter has a faculty advisor, and officers who organize activities from pizza nights, to guest speakers, and other opportunities to build those long term relationships that will carry you through your chiropractic career.

Many of today’s leaders of the ICA point to joining the ICA that very first semester in school and staying a part of the organization founded by the Developer of chiropractic – Dr. B.J. Palmer. ICA Leadership from the ICA Board and Assembly love getting together with the Student ICA members anytime they are on campus.

There are opportunities to participate and be in a leadership role.

And opportunities to meet and get to know some of the legends of the chiropractic profession.

If you are a chiropractic student and not yet a member of the SICA, join today.

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