Keeping track of what the regulations related to mandates can be challenging. The ICA is providing the below list (last updated January 2021) as a service to our members . We will continue to update as changes occur.

United State Federal

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  all federal workers, contractors (temporarily blocked from enforcing nationwide), private sector workers in companies with 100 or more employees (reinstated on Dec. 18), public-sector workers (contested in New York court)

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Federal mandate banned by governor

Previously Posted Mandate Information: No Mandates as of 9-20-2021

1/3/22: Private businesses may not refuse to serve a customer based on their vaccination status

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation: 1/3/22: state plans to challenge the federal mandate in court

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  State- Governor issued memo requiring employees, contractors and visitors to wear a mask in indoor state facilities, unless social distancing can be maintained

Juneau – individuals over age 2 must wear a mask in indoor public settings

COVID Shot Mandate:  1/3/22:  Governor issued an order banning all executive branch departments from requiring any person to provide proof of vaccination (vaccine passports).

Previously Posted Mandate Information: No Mandates as of 9-20-2021

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  Phoenix – mask mandate and practice social distancing inside city facilities, regardless of vaccination status

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: Mandates banned by government – however healthcare institutions can mandate

Test or Exemption Option:  Employers to provide reasonable accommodation to sincerely held beliefs, practices, or observations

Pending Litigation: Maricopa County superior court judge struck down a law that prohibited mask mandates in schools and limited local governments from enforcing similar COVID-19 policies

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Chiropractors and patients required to mask

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: Mandates

1/3/22: Vaccinations cannot be required as a condition of employment, except for state-owned medical facilities

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Yes or weekly testing

Booster required for healthcare workers

Mask Mandate:  Indoor spaces and businesses

COVID Shot Mandate:  Vaccine or negative test for large gatherings

L.A. and San Francisco – vaccine mandate for indoor settings, restaurants, gyms

Previously Posted Mandate Information: fully by Sept 30

Chiropractors exempted from state mandate

1/3/22: Shot mandate for employees of health and human services

Test or Exemption Option:  Medical and religious exemption

1/3/22:  Testing alternative, except for healthcare workers

AARP says vaccinate or weekly testing

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Yes.  1/3/22: Shot mandate for licensed healthcare employees, for state contractors

Mask Mandate:  Public indoor spaces

Denver – yes if unvaccinated

COVID Shot Mandate:  Government employees (or testing 2x /week)

Previously Posted Mandate Information: State:

1st by Sept 30
Fully by Oct 31

CDPHE-licensed health care facilities
(Not typical DC office)


1st Dose by Sept 15 & fully by Sept 30

Mandate Includes DC offices

Test or Exemption Option:  Medical & Religious Exemptions available at state and city order – but state also noted, that it “will not regulate or issue individual exemptions from the vaccine mandate.”

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:  


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Nursing home workers

Mask Mandate:  Indoor public spaces, if unvaccinated

New Haven – yes for all, in public indoor spaces

COVID Shot Mandate:  State Employees

Previously Posted Mandate Information: By Sept 27.

health care workers in certain settings, does not appear to cover Chiropractic offices.

1/3/22:  nursing home and childcare  workers

Test or Exemption Option:  Yes, individuals with a medical condition or sincerely held religious beliefs may be exempt

Weekly testing

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  Employees and visitors at state facilities

COVID Shot Mandate:  long-term care homes and health care facilities (or weekly testing)

Previously Posted Mandate Information: certain health facilities, does not appear to cover Chiropractic offices.

1/3/22:  Shot mandate for State government workers

Test or Exemption Option:  Weekly testing

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

District of Columbia

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Yes

Mask Mandate:  Yes, indoor

COVID Shot Mandate:  Effective January 15, 2022 By order of the Mayor, specific DC public businesses will require all patrons aged 12 years old or older to show proof that they have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine before they are allowed entry (two doses will be required starting Feb 15th). Establishments must visibly display signage informing patrons that proof of COVID-19 vaccination is required to enter indoors. These include hotel meeting rooms, restaurants, bars, cigar bars, taverns, movie theaters, sports venues, convention centers, and shared work facilties when hosting events. Patrons who have and show documentation of medical or religious exemptions
from the COVID-19 vaccine must provide a negative PCR or antigen test within the last 24 hours.


Previously Posted Mandate Information: Fully by Sept 30

Yes – all healthcare workers

Test or Exemption Option:  religious and medical exemption, but they must undergo weekly testing

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  Miami-Dade County – in county facilities

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: No Mandates as of 9-20-2021

1/3/22: Businesses may not require customers to provide proof of vaccination

Vaccine passports prohibited

Test or Exemption Option:  House Bill 1B/Senate Bill 2B creates 5 kinds of exemptions

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  Atlanta – indoors

Savannah – gov’t buildings, hospitals, etc.

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: Mandates

1/3/22: State and local governments may not require individuals to provide proof of vaccination for access to government facilities and services

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  Indoor settings

COVID Shot Mandate:  State employees, contractors, visitors to state facilities

Previously Posted Mandate Information: No Mandates as of 9-20-2021

1/3/22:  Shot mandate for State government workers

Test or Exemption Option:  1/3/22:  weekly testing alternative available

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  Boise – inside city buildings

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: No Mandates as of 9-20-2021

1/3/22:  State and local governments may not require individuals to provide proof of vaccination for access to government facilities and services

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Yes

Mask Mandate:  indoor public places

COVID Shot Mandate:  Day care centers.  State employees at congregate facilities

Chicago – to enter restaurants, gyms, etc.

Previously Posted Mandate Information: Yes-all healthcare workers

Test or Exemption Option:  Weekly testing – at-home or self-administered tests are not acceptable by IDPH – use a proctored site or set up screening system in offices.

1/3/22:  medical condition or religious belief

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  In state gov’t congregate facilities

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: Mandates

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  Schools and local governments prohibited from issuing a mask mandate

Iowa City – indoor spaces

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: No Mandates as of 9-20-2021

Test or Exemption Option:  House File 902 allows employees to request medical or religious exemptions

Pending Litigation: federal judge issued a temporary restraining order that stops the ban in schools

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  in indoor state buildings, healthcare settings, public transportation

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: No Mandates as of 9-20-2021

Test or Exemption Option:  Medical or religious exemptions:

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Encouraged for state workers

Previously Posted Mandate Information: No Mandates as of 9-20-2021

Test or Exemption Option:  unvaccinated workers will be tested

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  in K-12 schools

COVID Shot Mandate:  To enter dining, gyms, etc. or negative test

Previously Posted Mandate Information: No Mandates as of 9-20-2021

Test or Exemption Option:  Testing alternative

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Yes

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: fully by Oct 1

Most health care workers – DC not specifically mentioned

Test or Exemption Option:  1/3/22:  No testing alternative

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Yes

Mask Mandate:  Montgomery County, Prince George’s County, Baltimore – indoor public spaces

COVID Shot Mandate:  State employees who work in congregate settings, nursing homes, hospitals

Previously Posted Mandate Information: by Sept 1

Nursing home and hospitals only

1/3/22:  shot mandate for healthcare workers

Test or Exemption Option:  Weekly testing -and bona fide medical or religious reasons

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Nursing home workers

Mask Mandate:  Boston – indoors

COVID Shot Mandate:  Nursing home workers, executive branch employees

Boston – city workers, and bars, restaurants, gyms, etc.

Previously Posted Mandate Information: first dose by Sept 1, begin enforcement Oct 10

Test or Exemption Option:  medical conditions or sincerely held religious beliefs

Boston eliminated a testing opt-out

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: No Mandates as of 9-20-2021

1/3/22: Entities that receive public funding, aside from healthcare facilities, may not require vaccines as a condition of employment

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:,9309,7-387-90499_100891—,00.html


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  Minneapolis – in city-owned buildings

COVID Shot Mandate:  1/3/22:  Shot mandate for state government workers

Previously Posted Mandate Information: No Mandates as of 9-20-2021

Test or Exemption Option:  Regular testing

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: No Mandates as of 9-20-2021

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  St. Louis – indoor public spaces and public transportation

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: No Mandates as of 9-20-2021

1/3/22: Vaccine mandates banned

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation: Circuit court judge blocked ban on school mask mandates

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: Mandates are banned

1/3/22:  Businesses may not refuse to provide services or goods from someone based on vaccination status

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  Lincoln-Lancaster County – indoor public spaces

COVID Shot Mandate:  Federal mandate banned by governor

Previously Posted Mandate Information: No Mandates as of 9-20-2021

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  Indoor public spaces where there is high community transmission

COVID Shot Mandate:  1/3/22: Shot mandate for state employees

Previously Posted Mandate Information: Sept 7

Government employees in hospitals and correction facilities

Test or Exemption Option:  No option to opt out with testing.

1/4/22: state employees who aren’t fully vaccinated must submit to weekly testing

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information: Masking guidance

New Hampshire

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: No Mandates as of 9-20-2021

1/3/22:  Vaccinations may not be a condition to receive public goods or services

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

New Jersey

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Partial (State-owned health care agencies, correctional facilities)

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: fully by Sept 7

Certain state and private healthcare facilities

Test or Exemption Option:  testing 1-2 times per week

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

New Mexico

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Yes: Shot mandate for workers in certain medical close-contact congregate settings, including hospitals and nursing homes

Mask Mandate:  Yes: indoor public places and unvaccinated school workers

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: Aug 27 first date, fully by Sept 27

Mandated for close contact congregate settings

Mandated for State workers

Test or Exemption Option:  Exemptions – medical exemption, disability or sincerely held religious belief

1/3/22: unvaccinated state employees – weekly testing and wear a mask while in the workplace

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

New York

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Yes, requirement includes staff at hospitals, nursing homes and other long-term care facilities

Mask Mandate:  indoor public spaces and state-regulated child care, mental health and addiction facilities

COVID Shot Mandate:  State employees.

Patient-facing state health care employees to be vaccinated, without a test-out option

NYC: restaurants, gyms, etc.

NYC:  all private employers, by Dec 27 with no testing option

Previously Posted Mandate Information: Labor Day

All health care workers mandated

Test or Exemption Option:  Oct. 12. Fed. Judge requires New York to allow religious exemptions.

Lawsuit filed by 17 medical workers. Temporary restraining order issued on 9-16 because of lack of religious exemptions goes into effect on Sept 27.

Religious exemption as an alternative to vaccination.

Regular testing

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

North Carolina

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  Raleigh – indoor public and private spaces

Charlotte and Mecklenburg County

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: Sept 30: State health care workers

1/3/22: shot mandate for state employees

Test or Exemption Option:  Exemption possible

1/3/22:  weekly testing and wear a mask in the workplace

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

North Dakota

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  Indoor businesses and public transportation

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: Healthcare organizations exempted from state ban on mandates

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  Columbus – indoor places

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: No Mandates as of 9-20-2021

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Mandates are banned (to enter public buildings)

Previously Posted Mandate Information: No Mandates as of 9-20-2021

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Yes

Mask Mandate:  indoors in public spaces

COVID Shot Mandate:  1/3/22: state employees, healthcare workers, and school personnel

Previously Posted Mandate Information: All health care workers

Test or Exemption Option:  Weekly testing

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Yes

Mask Mandate:  Philadelphia – inside businesses and institutions

COVID Shot Mandate:  1/3/22:  Shot mandate for state government workers

Previously Posted Mandate Information: State:

State by Sept 7

healthcare workers in state licensed high risk settings

City of Philadelphia: Fully by Oct 15

requiring health care workers

Test or Exemption Option:  State – weekly testing

Philadelphia – testing 2 x per week, medical and religious exemptions

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

Puerto Rico

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Yes

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: By August 16


Test or Exemption Option:  medical and religious exemptions

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

Rhode Island

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Yes

Mask Mandate:  indoor venues

COVID Shot Mandate:  All state licensed healthcare providers

Previously Posted Mandate Information: 1st dose by Oct 1

All state licensed healthcare providers

Test or Exemption Option:  unless medically exempt

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

South Carolina

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: No Mandates as of 9-20-2021

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

South Dakota

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  1/3/22:  State employees may not be required to receive the vaccination as a condition of employment

Previously Posted Mandate Information: No Mandates as of 9-20-2021

Test or Exemption Option:  medical or religious exemption to the federal vaccine mandate

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  Mandates

COVID Shot Mandate:  Mandates Prohibited – except for nursing homes, assisted living facilities and long-term care facilities

Previously Posted Mandate Information: Mandates

1/3/22:  Policies requiring COVID-19 vaccines are prohibited. Businesses can’t require customers to provide proof of vaccination

Test or Exemption Option:  TN HB 9077/SB 9014 prohibits businesses and governmental entities from compelling an individual to provide proof of vaccination, if the person objects to receiving a COVID-19 vaccine for any reason

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: Mandates are banned

Test or Exemption Option:  Hospitals, nursing homes, jails, public schools may enact policies re. face coverings

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  Salt Lake City – inside city facilities.

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: Partial ban on Mandates

1/3/22:  Businesses that require vaccinations as a condition of employment must allow workers to submit exemptions. Employers must pay for COVID-19 tests

Test or Exemption Option:  Utah S.B. 2004 creates exemptions for medical, religious, personal belief

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  1/3/22:  State executive branch employees

Previously Posted Mandate Information: State employees mandated

Test or Exemption Option:  1/3/22: weekly testing and wear a mask at work

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: State workers by Sept 1

Test or Exemption Option:  Weekly testing

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Yes

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  State workers, education settings, healthcare settings

Previously Posted Mandate Information: fully by Oct 18

All health care workers

Test or Exemption Option:  No Opt Out – weekly testing

those with a disability or sincerely held religious beliefs

religious or disability-related/medical exemption

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

West Virginia

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: No Mandates as of 9-20-2021

Test or Exemption Option:  Medica or religious exemptions

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  State – indoors

Dane County – indoor public spaces, public transportation

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: No Mandates as of 9-20-2021

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: No Mandates as of 9-20-2021

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

Canadian Provinces

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Government employees – all federally regulated workplaces from early 2022

Business travelers and transport sector employees are required to be fully vaccinated

Banks and telecommunications companies by early 2022

International travelers, including Canadians, are able to avoid a two-week quarantine if they show proof that they are fully vaccinated – though vaccinated travelers still need to show a negative molecular COVID-19 test taken no more than 72 hours before departing for Canada

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option:  The U.S.-Canadian border has opened both ways to nonessential travel, after 19 months of closure. 

As of Oct. 30, travelers departing from Canadian airports on domestic or international flights, traveling on trains, or traveling on nonessential passenger vessels like cruise ships must be fully vaccinated.

Travelers coming to Canada must download the ArriveCAN app and enter proof of vaccination

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Health Services will require all employees to be fully vaccinated by Oct. 31

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  vaccine passports to enter non-essential businesses

Universities require vaccination

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option:  Testing option

medical or religious exemptions

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

British Columbia

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Health care workers must be fully vaccinated by Oct. 26

Mask Mandate:  Indoor settings

COVID Shot Mandate:  Proof of vaccination required to enter many types of indoor venues.  Exceptions include grocery stores, public transit, barbers, hotels, banks, clothing stores, etc.

Shot mandate for healthcare workers, nursing homes, BC public service

Universities require shot or testing

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: mandated vaccines for doctors and nurses

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  mandated vaccines for doctors and nurses, teachers and child-care workers, prison guards and government employees

Must be fully vaccinated to visit personal care homes and hospitals

Province uses immunization card or phone app. 

Shot mandate for personas 12 years of age and older to attend certain businesses and events, including indoor and outdoor dining

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

New Brunswick

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: vaccination required at work for public servants and health care workers as of Sept. 13

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Vaccination or regular testing for provincial public servants.

Mandates that unvaccinated employees in private sector businesses, such as restaurants, undergo regular COVID-19 testing

show ID and proof of full vaccination to access restaurants, bars, gyms, indoor festivals, etc.

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option:  Testing option

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Both employees and customers must be vaccinated to access certain non-essential businesses and settings.

vaccine passport is optional

Public sector not mandated

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

Nova Scotia

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: key sectors mandate: frontline workers in healthcare, continuing care, emergency health services, education and other sectors that work with the vulnerable

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  civil servants and healthcare workers

12 and older to show proof of full vaccination to participate in a range of “discretionary” activities starting on Oct. 4

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Public health services and school boards or undergo regular testing.

Not mandated for healthcare workers

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  vaccine passports for non-essential services such as getting into restaurants, bars, sporting events, etc.

Universities require vaccination, no testing alternative

Public Service employees have to be vaccinated, with religious or medical exemption.

Hospitals and long-term care homes are required to have vaccination policies for staff

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option:  Testing option

religious or medical exemption

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

Prince Edward Island

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  expects to implement a vaccine passport

Fully vaccinated can use a PEI Pass to travel

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Not mandated for healthcare workers.

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Show vaccine card to visit non-essential businesses in parts of the province where the COVID-19 rate is high

vaccination through the VaxiCode app is required for access to bars, restaurant dining rooms, gyms, festivals, sports venues, cinemas, etc

Previously Posted Mandate Information: Vaccine passports for non-essential services, like bars, restaurants, gyms and festivals mandated on Sept. 1 ’21.

Test or Exemption Option:  Face suspension

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Employees of Crown corporations (public sector) will have to be vaccinated or undergo regular testing

Requires proof of vaccination or a negative test for anyone 12 and older to gain entry into non-essential places, including restaurants, theatres, gyms and event venues.

Children not required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a negative test to attend school or extracurricular activities

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option:  proof of a negative COVID-19 test accepted

Regular testing

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

International Community


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  Masks or other face coverings are mandatory nationwide in certain public spaces, such as public transportation

COVID Shot Mandate:  Foreign tourists must be fully vaccinated

Employees not required to disclose their vaccination status to employers

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Shot mandate for high-risk aged-care workers, employees in quarantine hotels

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Western Australia – shot mandate for miners, natural gas workers

Previously Posted Mandate Information: mandatory for high-risk aged-care workers

Test or Exemption Option:  Borders closed Australian Chiropractic Association indicates its support for the public health initiative of vaccination as an essential strategy in diminishing the burden of COVID-19. However, the ACA is also of the view that informed personal choice is a fundamental component of best practice health care, and as such do not support mandating COVID-19 vaccinations for the chiropractic profession. The ACA acknowledges that healthcare mandates are a complex issue. Chiropractors are limited to providing patient care within private practice and outside of the frontline hospital, community care, and aged-care facilities.

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  all over age 14 from February ‘22; holdouts can be fined up to 3,600 euros every 3 months

Shot mandate to enter public places including restaurants, hotels, theatres and ski lifts

Previously Posted Mandate Information: public places including restaurants, hotels, theatres and ski lifts

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Shot mandate for health workers

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Mandatory vaccination being considered

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option:  Healthcare workers face losing their jobs

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Tourists need proof of full vaccination and a negative COVID-19 test

employers may require their employees to be vaccinated

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option:  Exemption for medical reasons

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  “health pass” for visitors of public venues such as cafes, hotels, concert halls, museums and swimming pools

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Only fully vaccinated adults may enter:  Anguilla, Grenada, St. Barts, St. Kitts and Nevis, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos, as well as the Cayman Islands

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  booster shot required in Beijing for key workers on construction sites, including cooks, security guards and cleaning personnel

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  vaccination is voluntary, employers may not require their employees to be vaccinated

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

Costa Rica

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  all state workers

Children over the age of 5

employers may require their employees to be vaccinated

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option:  medical condition exemption

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

Cote d’Ivoire

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: health and social care workers

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  All public sector employees, citizens who need services in public institutions

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

Czech Republic

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: hospitals and nursing homes employees from March 2022

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  over age 60 from March ’22.

police officers, soldiers and some other professions from March

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  workplaces allowed to require a digital “corona pass” for employees.

health pass required for entry to indoor bars, restaurants and other public places

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  All adults except for people who have a relevant medical condition or incompatibility

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  vaccination or weekly COVID-19 test required from public sector employees to work in government buildings

vaccination mandatory for public university students to access campuses

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option:  Weekly testing

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  public servants, employees at private firms

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  plans to make vaccines mandatory for health and social care workers

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: healthcare and care home workers, home aids and urgent care technicians

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  public officials or employees, including civil security pilots, flight personnel providing care for victims, soldiers permanently assigned to civil security missions, firefighters

Previously Posted Mandate Information: Sept

All health care workers.

health pass required for restaurants, cafes, cinemas and museums, other public venues. Health pass will be transformed into a vaccination pass, mandatory for some professionals and for entry to cinemas and bars from first half of Jan

Test or Exemption Option:  Risk not being paid

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: workers of hospitals, doctor’s offices and nursing homes by mid-March

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  plans to make mandatory for all adults from February

Previously Posted Mandate Information: Public venues: vaccination required for all but the most essential businesses such as grocery stores, pharmacies and bakeries

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Yes

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  targeted groups including all public sector and health workers from Jan. ‘22

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: nursing home staff, healthcare workers

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Adults over 60.  Unvaccinated will be subject to a monthly fine of 100 euros

Previously Posted Mandate Information: Sept

healthcare workers

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information: Shot mandate for executive branch workers

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information: Wikipedia


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

Hong Kong

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Hong Kong civil servants, teachers and healthcare workers must get vaccinated against the coronavirus or pay for regular testing

Coming before the Lunar New Year:  Vaccination to enter restaurants and recreational venues

Passenger flights from the eight countries banned – the United States, Britain, Australia, Canada, France, India, Pakistan and the Philippines

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option:  Individual pays for regular testing

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: healthcare workers

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  employees at state institutions

Previously Posted Mandate Information: mandatory for healthcare workers

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Not mandated

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  all adults, with fines or refusal of social assistance or government services for the unvaccinated

Previously Posted Mandate Information: Feb 2021

Everyone mandated

Test or Exemption Option:  Indonesia announced a presidential order earlier this month stipulating anyone who refused vaccines could be denied social assistance or government services or made to pay a fine.

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Not mandated

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Not mandated

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Yes

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  all workers, school staff, police, military

shot mandate for people aged 50 or more

Previously Posted Mandate Information: Health care workers mandated

vaccination required for indoor seating at bars, restaurants, visiting museums, cinemas, clubs, attending sporting events; basic green health pass obligatory for all public transport

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Not mandated

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  mandatory vaccinations or weekly testing for people working in groups of more than 20

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  court temporarily halted vaccination requirement by Dec. 21 to access public services including schools, transport services, immigration and other state offices, hotels, bars, restaurants, national parks, wildlife reserves

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

Korea, Republic of

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  vaccine pass mandatory to access 14 designated public spaces, including hospitality and entertainment venues; requirement extended to over age 12 from February

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  required for lawmakers to be able to vote and to receive full pay; businesses allowed to fire unvaccinated workers

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: health sectors from Jan. 10, 2022

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  all civil servants and workers in the education, tourism and public transport sectors from Jan. 10

Previously Posted Mandate Information: vaccine certificate or antibody tests required for entry to restaurants, cafes, pubs and beaches

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  over age 16, considering for over age 12

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  over age 60 and all adult recipients of the Sinovac vaccine required to get a booster dose by Feb

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Employers may not require employees to be vaccinated

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  All adults

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  vaccine required for access to all government buildings, spaces such as cafes, restaurants, cinemas, gyms, transportation

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  health pass mandatory to enter bars, restaurants, clubs or cultural events

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

New Zealand

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: health and disability sector workers

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  workers of border, prison, police and defense force sectors; education sector by Jan. 1

Vaccinations mandatory for all businesses where customers need to show vaccine certificates

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

Northern Ireland

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Vaccine Passports used to gain entry to nightclubs, hospitality premises that serve food and/or drink, cinemas and theatres

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

Northern Mariana Islands

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  vaccination in Norway is voluntary

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  public or private sector employees for entry to workplace

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Required for air travel

employees of malls, restaurants, public transport and public sector offices

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate: 

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  in-office workers and employees in public transportation services

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: Health care workers from March 1, ‘22

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Teachers, security personnel and uniformed services from March 1, ‘22

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  in all enclosed spaces

COVID Shot Mandate:  negative tests will have to be presented when entering sports and cultural events, even for vaccinated people

Digital certificate for restaurants, gyms, etc.

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  health pass, negative COVID-19 test or proof of recovery mandatory for entry to most public venues including majority of non-essential ones

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  over age 60 and chronically ill in St. Petersburg

workers with public-facing roles in Moscow

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

Saudi Arabia

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  public and private sector workers wishing to attend a workplace; people entering government, private, or educational establishments

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  health pass mandatory to visit indoor cafes, hotels and restaurants after 10 PM

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  vaccination necessary to enter shopping malls; considers requiring a booster shot to qualify as fully vaccinated

Unvaccinated employees are barred from their workplaces

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  offering 600 euros to encourage people to get their shots

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

South Africa

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Some employers mandate vaccination

SA considering making vaccination mandatory for specific activities and locations

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  No country-wide mandate

Catalonia region using Covid passport, which will be necessary from December 2 for those over 13 wanting to enter bars, restaurants, care homes, gyms and nightlife venues, etc.

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  vaccine passes required for indoor events with more than 100 people; to be extended to smaller gatherings, such as in restaurants

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  proof of vaccination, recovery or a negative test required to access bars, restaurants and fitness centers

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  In 2022 all personnel from 24 categories of service facilities will have to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or be subject to constant testing

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option:  Testing option

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Adults over 18

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Not mandated

No mandatory quarantine for vaccinated tourists

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  officials, employees and visitors accessing public and private administrations

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  some sectors including teachers and domestic travel employees

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  Adults over 18

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:


Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: extension to medical personnel and municipal employees under consideration

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  public sector employees including teachers

restrictions for unvaccinated on access to restaurants, sports and other public events

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

United Kingdom

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific: care home staff in England, health workers in England by April 1

Mask Mandate:   

COVID Shot Mandate:  vaccination or negative test for all over age18 at night clubs and other venues in Scotland; at nightclubs, some indoor and outdoor unseated venues and all venues with more than 10,000 people in England

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:

Virgin Islands

Chiropractic/health care professional Specific:

Mask Mandate:  In all commercial entities

COVID Shot Mandate:  University of the Virgin Islands – mandatory vaccinations for all students and employees

Previously Posted Mandate Information:

Test or Exemption Option: 

Pending Litigation:

URL(s) for source of Information:
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