ICA Endorsed Medicare Legislation Introduced
August 12, 2022 (Falls Church, VA) Today, Congressman Bill Posey of Florida introduced H.R. 8701: The Chiropractic Act of 2022. The International Chiropractors Association (ICA) is proud to endorse this legislation. The entire U.S-based chiropractic profession has asked for years to improve Medicare. H.R. 8701 provides the needed solutions. This legislation can be quickly passed into law. It provides clear instructions for standards of care evaluation and management services (exams and radiological imaging, when needed).
Three years ago, in passing SUPPORT for the Patients and Communities Act of 2018 (Public Law 115-271), Congress confirmed the need to make changes in Medicare to remove barriers to non-opioid, non-pharmacologic alternatives for both acute and chronic pain. The Center for Medicare and Medicare Services (CMS) responded to remind them that they cannot make these needed fixes for accessing chiropractic without Congressional action. Medicare beneficiaries deserve legislation that can be enacted upon passage, which is what can happen with H.R. 8701. While chiropractic does more than address back and neck pain, it is a first line of care for these symptoms, and experts say that if chiropractic is the first line of care for low back pain, the patient is at least 50% less likely to end up with an opioid prescription. Chiropractic focuses on resolving issues, not simply suppressing the symptom of pain.
The Chiropractic Act of 2022
- Provides specific instructions to CMS to cover what is standard of care – evaluation and management services – specifically including examination and when needed radiographic imaging services, while specifically excluding any expansion of scope for the prescribing of drugs – an important clarification that the Congress agrees with a majority of the chiropractic profession.
- Streamlines provisions regarding a patient’s freedom to privately contract for services so that all physicians as defined in Medicare (which includes chiropractors) are able to privately contract. This is commonly referred to as the Opt-Out Provision. Chiropractors are the only physicians currently not included in this provision.
- Eliminates the vestiges of the antitrust discrimination against chiropractors that were at play in 1972 when chiropractic was included in Medicare.
- This bill provides swift implementation so that Medicare beneficiaries may benefit from the changes as quickly as possible.
Dr. Selina Sigafoose Jackson, ICA President, said, “Today is a day that will go down in the chiropractic history record books. Decades of work from so many ICA warriors, have culminated in H.R 8701. So proud of our Board, past and present, and the entire ICA team to have achieved this bill’s introduction. Now my friends, let’s roll up our sleeves, and get to work and get this passed. The time is now for Medicare patients to be respected through this legislation, to be able to choose chiropractic and to be reimbursed fairly.”
Beth Clay, ICA Executive Director, said, “The ICA appreciates Congressman Bill Posey’s introduction of H.R. 8701, the Chiropractic Act of 2022. This bill is the solution to the barriers to access for Medicare beneficiaries who desire to seek chiropractic care and to be treated equitably in the program they have paid into for decades. We look forward to building support for it quickly and seeing it signed into law.”
To learn more about how you can support this legislation and to read the bill, visit https://www.chiropactic.org.

H.R. 8701 The Chiropractic Act of 2022
Last updated on August 15, 2022 at 8:39 am