Here are the steps to create your account and add a Saved Payment Method:
- Click here to open the login page (opens in a new tab). Click the “Allow Cookies” button in the green bar at the bottom.
- Click the Forgot your password link to create a new one
- Enter your “Username” (which is your email address) and click Reset my password
- Look for an email from with a 6-digit code
- Enter the code on the change password page… and put in your new password twice
- Click Change password. This will bring you to the Welcome Page
- Click the person icon in the upper right and select My Profile from the drop-down
- View your Info, Membership and My Account information and confirm that it is accurate. Please make any necessary corrections by clicking on the ‘pencil’ icon.
- Please enter your credit card or bank account (ACH) information, by selecting ‘Saved Payment Options’ located under the ‘My Account’ Tab. Please be sure to click ‘SAVE’. By clicking Save, this allows the card to be used for future use.
You may provide this information by calling the ICA at 703-528-5000 or by faxing this Update Payment Form to our secure line: 703-528-5023.
Last updated on September 16, 2021 at 12:14 pm