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Welcome to the International Chiropractors Association!
About the ICA: Founded by Dr. B.J. Palmer, the son of chiropractic founder D.D. Palmer, the ICA is dedicated to the growth and development of the chiropractic profession based on the fundamental belief in the principle and philosophy of chiropractic as a unique, separate, distinct, and drug-less health care profession. We believe in “staying in the lane of chiropractic.”
Part of the mission of the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) is to raise awareness worldwide of the value of regular chiropractic care – and the opportunity a career in chiropractic offers. We are pleased to have been featured on Viewpoint and to use that venue to launch a public information campaign. Below are both the Viewpoint segment which was featured on public broadcasting channels across the United States for a year as well as and a shorter commercial which ran on cable channels including Fox Business.
ICA’s distinguishing feature today is the same as it was in 1926 – advocating for chiropractic. For 97 years, the ICA has advocated and, when necessary, litigated to support the chiropractic profession and quality patient care. With the support of ICA’s dedicated members and leaders globally, chiropractic is a formally recognized and respected health care choice.
Below is the full informational segment for your viewing (without the introduction and ending comments by Mr. Quaid). There is also the shorter 30-second spot that will air on other cable channels, including Fox Business. Our Members are invited to share these videos in their offices, websites, and social media pages.
Interested in something more specific? We have chiropractors who are specially qualified in chiropractic pediatrics and upper cervical (upper spine and neck) care!
Considering chiropractic as a profession? Click here:
Join us at the ICA to be a part of a global community focused on the mission of protecting and promoting chiropractic as a distinct healthcare profession with its own science, art, and philosophy.
The ICA appreciates the opportunity to work with the Viewpoint team.
Last updated on August 23, 2024 at 11:46 am