The International Chiropractors Association (ICA) whose primary mission is to promote and protect chiropractic worldwide. Our doctors are the most important component of fulfilling our mission. ICA is here for you.
We Are Here For You
Our Founder, Dr. B.J. Palmer, established the ICA in 1926 to make sure you had an organization that was looking out for you, was standing up for the profession, working wtih our colleges, legislators, researchers, and policy makers to growth the profession. Over the decades, we have been willing to take strong stands, fight the tough fights, and stand with our members as we worked together to get state licensure, to protect imaging, to keep drug prescribing out of the profession.
Removing Barriers to Access
ICA works everyday to eliminate the barriers the to access that developed in the mid 20th century through the restraint of trade attacks. The vestiges of the negative campaigning against the profession lingers even today. We are working to eliminate barriers and improve reimbursements. Your patients deserve the federal health programs to work for them, and to treat you equitably.
Active with Agencies and Legislators
ICA engages with federal agencies such as HHS, the VA and DOD, and within HHS, CMS, HRSA, NIH and CDC. ICA is on Capitol Hill regularly focused on advancing our legislative priorities (Medicare, the VA, the Military, and research). We engage internationally, in states and provinces.
We Educate and Advocate
As a chiropractor, you know that the Chiropractic profession is integral to solving the ‘opioid epidemic’ – because patients who come to see you are far less likely to end up on opioids, and rather than having their symptoms masked by a drug, they are going to be on the road to resolving the underlying factors that created the symptom. We are getting this message out and it is making a difference.
What Do You Get with Your ICA Membership?
In addition to participating in B.J.’s organization, with a focus on promoting and protecting chiropractic as a separate and distinct profession with its own science, art, and philosophy, you receive accurate, useful information in a timely fashion regarding policies, events, and other matters of interest to our membership.
Discounts on Programing and Events
ICA members receive discounts on our continuing education programing, both in person and online.
‘Find a Doc’ & ICA Directory Listing
Our international directory of ICA doctors and members is available to both the public and members, allowing everyone to quickly find the best chiropractors in their area, whether at home or on the go.
ChiroOpportunity provides the chiropractic community a place to find exactly what they’re looking for. From scholarships to job openings, equipment sales to practice sales, and everything in between, this resource is publicly available, but only ICA members are allowed to create listings.
Continuing and Postgraduate Education
ICA offers the profession’s finest and most relevant, chiropractic-centered range of continuing education and postgraduate education programs. ICA provides both online and in person continuing education opportunities. As an ICA member, you receive discounts to attend ICA’s 6 post-graduate councils events and to access continuing education programs on pediatrics; upper cervical; evidence-based and lifestyle; philosophy; fitness and sports health; and applied chiropractic science. Post-graduate diplomate programs are available with a member discounted rate for our highly sought after Diplomate in Chiropractic Pediatrics, Diplomate in Upper Cervical Care, and Diplomate in Chiropractic Philosophy.
ICA-Corporate Sponsors Benefits
ICA continues to build member benefits through the ICA Corporate Sponsors’ and Endorsement Program to identify the best products and opportunities to enhance your practice and when possible offer discounts or special access to products and programs.
Stay tuned this fall because the ICA is about to launch several really amazing new benefits.

We’re here for you.
Maybe most important of all is the capacity to network with your colleagues, the finest in the profession from all over the world at our events, including our Annual convention every spring.
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Last updated on September 6, 2024 at 3:22 pm